Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Snippet from my Lit Class

In my lit class, we had to read a series of three poems by Natan Zach, and then write our own poem to be the fourth. Here are some poor translations of the three poems he wrote, followed by a translation of my own fourth poem:

Poem of the Evening

In the evening
When my girl said to me
I went down to the street to take a walk
And I was walking, and I was aimless
I was aimlessly walking
And I walked and I walked without aim

Final Separation

When my girl went from me
I was wearing a new suit
And I went down to the cafe.
And there were three people there:
A tall man,
A fat man,
And a thin man.
And the fat man had two red flowers
on his chest.
When I entered and they saw me,
The thin man got up
And declared
That's all
That's it.

When My Girl Went From Me

When my girl went from me,
As I wrote once,
I went to the cafe
And there were three people there:
A tall man, a fat man, and a thin man
And the thin man had two red flowers on his chest

The fat man (But not
the thin man).
When I entered no one noticed me
And it went like this:

A man entered and sat
And these others thought
That only a wind opened the door

Or maybe not even that.


In The Cafe

When my relationship with my girl was broken
I went to the cafe
And there were three men there:
A tall man, a fat man, and a skinny man
The fat man had a big hat
The skinny man had an empty plate
And the fat man had two red flowers on his chest

The tall man took off his hat
The skinny man ordered food
And the fat man removed one of the flowers
And put it in his pocket

I drank coffee
And watched all of this
I drank and I drank and I watched
Until there was no more coffee in my cup
And the men went away
And I sat alone

And still none of this was clear to me


Daniel said...

I love all these poems!

Awesome in Arlington said...

Or how about this one...

There once were 3 men in a Cafe.
Fat, Skinny and Tall were they.

Tall and Skinny passed the hours
And, the Fat man stole some Flowers

While I drank until they went away.