I am writing this post to deliberately solicit pity - I am, as they say, "sick as a dog" - sinus infection, sore throat headaches, the works. The more photographs of teddy bears you send me today, the better.
Israel through the eyes of two first-year graduate students
Hello Jess,
Let me be the first to wish you a speedy recovery. I hope you feel better soon. Have some Matza Ball soup, take it easy and get plenty of rest.
Awww....poor Jessica! I feel profound sympathy and compassion for you. Wish I could make you some vegetarian faux chicken soup to help you improve. I also wish I knew how to send pictures of teddy bears to cheer you, but being a bear of little technological brain, I can only "think" adorable, get well teddy bears your way.
Hope it helps, honey.
With love and lotsofpity....
Belatedly: http://olesiafx.com/news/archives/1291
Hope you're feeling better!
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