Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sick as a Dog

I am writing this post to deliberately solicit pity - I am, as they say, "sick as a dog" - sinus infection, sore throat headaches, the works. The more photographs of teddy bears you send me today, the better.



Anonymous said...

Hello Jess,
Let me be the first to wish you a speedy recovery. I hope you feel better soon. Have some Matza Ball soup, take it easy and get plenty of rest.

Anonymous said...

Awww....poor Jessica! I feel profound sympathy and compassion for you. Wish I could make you some vegetarian faux chicken soup to help you improve. I also wish I knew how to send pictures of teddy bears to cheer you, but being a bear of little technological brain, I can only "think" adorable, get well teddy bears your way.

Hope it helps, honey.

With love and lotsofpity....


Anonymous said...

Belatedly: http://olesiafx.com/news/archives/1291

Hope you're feeling better!